“When you couldn’t go anywhere else – churches were closed, even playgrounds were cordoned off – you could still walk in the woods. So we did, religiously.”
Christina Capecchi: Learning how to saunter: the gifts of quarantine
Brett Robinson: A habit to break: ‘Doomscrolling’
“Doomscrolling” refers to the pattern of scrolling through social media in the midst of a pandemic and social unrest and being flooded with morbid messages that elicit an almost physical discomfort.
U.S. deporting Guatemalans has led to spread of COVID-19, report says
A report by the Washington-based Refugees International organization charges U.S. immigration policy with helping the spread of the coronavirus in Guatemala through deportations.
Foundations’ plan: $1,000 each for 1,000 nuns to allay COVID-19 impacts
The program was unveiled June 22 by Catholic Extension, which will administer the grants.
Women religious honored for work on pandemic’s front lines
Women religious working “on the front lines,” exposed to the coronavirus continue to care for the communities they minister.
Church leaders urge scientists to develop ethical COVID-19 vaccine
A spokesman for the Pontifical Academy for Life said June 15 that the academy is working on a statement specifically regarding the development of vaccines for COVID-19, which he said would follow church teaching as explained in 2008 by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the academy’s 2017 note on the importance of vaccines.
David Cloutier: COVID-19 and the virtue of prudence
“Everyone recognizes that we can’t simply go back to living exactly as we did before. How should Catholics think about the choices we face?”
Access to broadband may be one of the defining issues of our time
The coronavirus pandemic showed the yawning gaps in the U.S. digital infrastructure, as millions of students just faded away from their teachers’ virtual classrooms because they had no broadband access.