Hundreds of thousands of people will share in the solar eclipse April 8. “A way to engage with God’s creation, the work of God’s hands,” said Michelle Francl-Donnay.
Eclipse seen as a way to pray, ‘engage with the work of God’s hands’
Covenant between humanity, environment needed, pope says
The theme of the World Day of Prayer for Creation, which will be celebrated Sept. 1, is “Listen to the voice of creation.”
Webb telescope images feed the mind and spirit, Jesuit astronomer says
“This is God’s creation being revealed to us, and in it we can see both his astonishing power and his love of beauty,” Brother Guy Consolmagno said.
Group offers fellowship, forum for discussions of faith-science questions
With the theme of environmental stewardship linked to the papal encyclical “Laudato Si’,” speakers discussed Catholic environmentalism going back to the fourth century.
Book on creation helps Catholics consider variety of core questions
The book provides a sound introduction for general readers to church teaching on a number of theological and moral issues, providing an easy-to-read overview of and deep engagement with a number of core questions that Catholics will find both interesting and illuminating.
Choose life by choosing to care for creation, Christian leaders say
Pope Francis signed a joint message for the protection of creation together with Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople and Anglican Archbishop Justin Welby of Canterbury, England.
Creation must be protected, not exploited, pope says at audience
Pope continues his series of talks on “healing the world,” the pope reflected on the theme of “caring for the common home and contemplative attitude.
Coronavirus and creation: Bringing lessons learned into prayer, action
The Season of Creation begins Sept. 1, the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, an observance initiated by the Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople in 1989 and adopted by Pope Francis for the Catholic Church in 2015.