The administration’s proposal is subject to an approval process but, if enacted, would become a provision of Title IX, the landmark gender-equality in education legislation adopted in 1972.
Biden proposal bars schools from enacting outright bans on athletes who identify as transgender
Vatican envoy warns UN General Assembly racism mutating and ‘reemerging’ globally
Archbishop Gabriele Caccia, the Holy See’s permanent observer to the U.N., addressed a General Assembly meeting March 21, 2023, that addressed the urgency of combating racism and racial discrimination 75 years after the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Racism leaves enduring mark on U.S. housing, wealth creation, say panelists
In the aftermath of that brutal incident, public attention turned to the many inequities that invade the lives of Black Americans and other minority ethnic groups in the U.S. that have suffered racial discrimination.
Catholic parish sues over its right to hire staff who uphold church tenets
The filing follows a July 28 ruling by the Michigan Supreme Court that reinterpreted a state civil rights statute’s definition of sex to include gender identity and sexual orientation without any exemption for religious organizations.
Colorado baker fights ruling over cake celebrating gender transition
In arguments before Colorado’s appeals court Oct. 5, Phillips’ attorneys from Alliance Defending Freedom urged the court to overturn a ruling issued last year against their client on procedural grounds and said the court should uphold Phillips’ First Amendment rights.
HHS urged to ‘reconsider misguided mandate’ on transgender procedures
Catholic hospitals and their workers “must not be coerced by the government to violate their consciences” by being forced to perform “gender transition procedures” against their religious beliefs, said two U.S. cardinals.
Making room: Catholics with disabilities hope synod will hear their voices
People with disabilities submitted a draft document to the Synod of Bishops on the needs of people with disabilities and their contributions to the life of the church.
Church leaders urged to be trailblazers in addressing systemic racism
Church leaders can be champions in helping society at large confront systemic racism in the systems of criminal justice, education, housing, health care, seminaries and parishes, but most importantly, they can help people understand what white privilege is and how it impacts society.