Las 5 maneras en las que los católicos pueden ser mejores evangelizadores, según el padre Mike Schmitz

Son pocos los católicos en el país, e incluso en el mundo, que no hayan oído hablar del Padre Mike Schmitz. El capellán de la pastoral universitaria de la Diócesis de Duluth, Minnesota, y orador principal en la sesión de avivamiento del Congreso Eucarístico Nacional del 18 de julio en Indianápolis, es conocido internacionalmente por sus podcasts “Bible in a Year” y “Catechism in a Year”, de la editorial católica Ascension, que han encabezado las listas de podcasts en los últimos años.

Here are 5 ways Father Mike Schmitz says Catholics can be better evangelizers

There are few Catholics in the country, and even the world, who don’t know the name of Father Mike Schmitz. The college campus ministry chaplain from the Diocese of Duluth, Minnesota, and the keynote for the National Eucharistic Congress’ July 18 revival session in Indianapolis, is internationally renowned for his “Bible in a Year” and “Catechism in a Year” podcasts, provided through Catholic publisher Ascension, that have topped the podcasting charts in recent years.

New cafe at basilica in Baltimore is designed to encounter the poor

A big challenge at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Baltimore has been that there isn’t a place people can gather in an informal way to have those kinds of life-changing discussions. Father Brendan Fitzgerald hopes to use a cafe to help homeless people.