Through digital outreach, Pope Francis has set forth a challenge to create a culture of encounter whether it be through emails, text messages, social networks and chats.
What would you share with Pope Francis?
Evangelization by hitchhiking: how to find an on-ramp
Thirty-some Catholics already have joined, fulfilling a bold mission: to make like the apostles and spread the Good News.
Not just another ‘trade meeting,’ convocation seeks to unify U.S. church
Called by the bishops, the historic convocation will find more than 3,000 Catholic leaders — bishops, clergy, religious and laypeople — meeting July 1-4 in Orlando, Florida, to focus on how the pope’s 2013 apostolic exhortation, “Evangelii Gaudium” (“The Joy of the Gospel”), applies in the United States.
Pope to priests: Never separate truth of the Gospel from its joy, mercy
Always preach the whole truth of the Gospel with humility and respect and never be afraid to offer that truth just “one sip at a time,” Pope Francis told the world’s priests.
Author: All — clergy, religious, laity — must take church leadership
Author, Chris Lowney, writes book “Everyone Leads: How to Revitalize the Catholic Church,” 80 percent “hopeful, positive.”
Pay close attention to pope’s words and actions, papal nuncio says
Archbishop Pierre, who was appointed to the U.S. post by Pope Francis last April, tells us to pay attention to the pope, his message and his testimony.
Evangelizing through the good
Moral rectitude, the concrete living out of the Christian way, especially when it is done in an heroic manner, can move even the most hardened unbeliever to faith, and the truth of this principle has been proven again and again over the centuries.
#Ashtags: When posting Ash Wednesday photos, use your head
The online posting of one’s ashes, often marked in the form of a cross on the forehead, thrills some people and disappoints others.