Two Catholics, two political views “Faithful Citizenship” is the central message.
As election nears, ‘split’ Catholic voters try to find dialogue amid rancor
EWTN News/RealClear poll shows more ‘likely Catholic voters’ behind Biden
The Biden and Trump gap narrows in polls by the two outlets looking at American Catholics’ voting habits and practices.
Al Smith dinner draws presidential nominees for 75th year; this time dais is virtual
The annual fundraiser of the 75th annual Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner livestreamed Oct. 1, had remarks recorded videos were delivered by President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden.
Black Catholics laud Harris pick; others scrutinize past record
Joe Biden’s choice of Sen. Kamala Harris, D-California, as his vice presidential running mate was publicized and elicited broad smiles from key black Catholics.
Panel looks at role racism, religion, COVID-19 will play in elections
The concern over government response to COVID-19 and the economic collapse brought about by the pandemic with the national reckoning over racism has found Catholics sharing in a public mood that has decidedly soured on politics.