The book about Carlo Acutis shows an otherwise ordinary teenager living the faith with beauty, simplicity and trust and is highly recommended for confirmation-age students; the second book tells the story of Aloysius Schwartz’s journey to the mission fields and living the life of the poor while serving them.
Two holy men take divergent paths toward sainthood
Katie Prejean McGrady: Jesus and a Peloton bike
“In 20 short minutes, Jess King, a popular Peloton instructor with signature catchphrases and a long braid, had convinced me that climbing onto a stationary bike and riding with all my might made me a brave woman unafraid to push myself to the limit.”
‘A long line’ of holy catechists have served the church, pope notes
Pope Francis pointed to the number of lay catechists declared martyrs, blesseds or saints by the church.
How do we discern God’s will for us?
God calls us all to live a holy life, to do the will of God in everything so that we may devote ourselves to the glory of God and to the service of our neighbors.
People must choose: path toward holiness or nothing, pope says
Saints are not just the well-known men, women and young people on the liturgical calendar, Pope Francis said on the feast of All Saints.
The path to holiness: Let the Beatitudes be your guide
In his recently published apostolic exhortation “Gaudete et Exsultate” (“Rejoice and Be Glad”), Pope Francis reminds us that everyone is called to holiness. We are all called to be saints.
St. Grandma? Pope cites the famous and the ‘saint next door’
Naturally in a document on the Christian call to holiness, Pope Francis cited a heavenly host of saints — including some whose sainthood causes are ongoing and some who probably will never be canonized.
Holiness means being loving, not boring, pope says
God calls all Christians to be saints — not plastic statues of saints, but real people who make time for prayer and who show loving care for others in the simplest gestures, Pope Francis said in his new document on holiness.