Just as the nation’s founders relied on God’s providence, so too must all those serving in the U.S. legal profession and government today depend on the gifts of the Holy Spirit, said the homilist during the 72nd annual Red Mass Oct. 6 at the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle in Washington.
Holy Spirit’s gifts can guide the work of law, homilist says at annual Red Mass
Father Ron Rolheiser: The Law of Gravity and the Holy Spirit
The Scriptures tell us that the Holy Spirit is both a physical and a spiritual force, the source of all physicality and of all spirituality all at the same time.
‘Art of listening’ in synodal church requires ‘formation’ to avoid ‘empty discussions,’ says cardinal
Synodality, “the centerpiece of ” Pope Francis’ service to the Catholic Church,” is “an invitation to discover anew the gift that has been given to us, the Holy Spirit, so that we will know how to walk together,” Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin.
Speakers outline medical, societal trends threatening Catholic health care
Catholic health care professionals who see the tenets of their faith challenged by a push for abortion, gender-altering surgery and euthanasia as well as threats to conscience rights protection have a new advocate in the Catholic Health Care Leadership Alliance founded in January.
Pope encourages Bahrain’s Catholic community to be ‘builders of unity’
For the last stop of his four-day journey, Pope Francis chose to visit Sacred Heart Church, which was consecrated in 1939 and was the first church built in a Gulf nation.
Holy Spirit at the heart of Mora man’s card ministry
For the past nine years, Stanley Kuchar, a member of St. Mary Parish in Mora, has been sending cards with hopeful messages to people in his parish and wider community.
The three most important lessons from the synod (so far)
“There is no way to be certain of the outcome of a process like a worldwide synod. Participants must be willing to be surprised, disappointed or even chastened by some of the feedback that comes out of local and regional deliberations.”
Greg Erlandson: Revisiting and relitigating Vatican II
“A variety of commentators of various stripes and even Pope Francis himself have weighed in to mark the council’s 60th anniversary, including Ross Douthat, a Catholic columnist for The New York Times.”