Dom Hélder, as he was known, remained a strong critic of the regime, denouncing human rights violations committed by police authorities.
Brazilian archbishop: Vatican is advancing cause of Hélder Câmara
Chaplains say they’ll stay as long as needed in Thai camps for Myanmarese
Some 90,000 Myanmarese refugees live in nine camps on the Thai side of the border.
Philippine bishop: Country must stay aware of what happens under Marcos
The bishop pointed to centuries-old “feudalism, fascism and neocolonial imperialism” that brought the Philippines to its current state.
Nuns in Philippines call terrorism financing charges ‘preposterous’
Critics of the bill said it could be used to stifle political dissent and abuse human rights.
Bianca Jagger steps to the forefront in defense of Nicaraguan bishop
She has spoken against the spiraling situation involving her native country, the repression of the populace, the fraudulent elections, and now the attacks against the Catholic Church to which she belongs.
House OKs anti-trafficking bill to ‘protect the most vulnerable among us’
The House vote came four days ahead of the U.N. World Day Against Trafficking in Persons July 30.
Advocates call for help for Black migrants from Biden administration
They said Black migrants have faced racism, not just through immigration policies that fail to protect them, but also at the hands of U.S. immigration authorities and officials who mistreat them.