The legacy of ‘Humanae Vitae’

To understand the surprising survival of “Humanae Vitae,” it is important to understand what the “pill” was promising to the world. “Humanae Vitae” was written just eight years after the pill was made publicly available. Many predicted that the pill could end poverty and “overpopulation” by dramatically reducing the number of unwanted pregnancies.

One, holy, catholic

This summer marks the 50th anniversary of “Humanae Vitae.” The world has changed dramatically since Pope Paul VI wrote the encyclical, mostly in ways he foretold.

Artificial contraception, abortion have damaged society, say speakers

Medical and legal experts addressing the damaging effects of artificial contraception and abortion on health care, law and society as a whole urged hundreds of attendees at a symposium to evangelize and transform the culture through the Catholic Church’s profound encyclical reaffirming the sanctity of marriage and human life.