Christian unity week: Doing good; seeking justice

In observance of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Jan. 18-25, churches in the Fergus Falls area — including Our Lady of Victory Parish — are joining together to hold daily prayer services followed by a lunch open to all. On Friday, Jan. 27, Our Lady of Victory hosted the service.

Love the Lord by loving the poor, pope says at Mass

Wars, famine and calamities of every kind can tempt Christians to a paralyzing fear that the world is about to end; what they must do instead is act, even in a small way, to make the world a better place, Pope Francis said Nov. 13, celebrating Mass for the World Day of the Poor.

Laura Kelly Fanucci: Catching God at the ballfield

“Often we picture God like an umpire: crouching down whenever we step up to the plate, waiting to call strikes and outs, watching for the least infraction. But ours is a God of justice and mercy. Not simply the judge with the rulebook and the last word, but also love incarnate.”