Visiting the small Catholic communities in Bulgaria and North Macedonia offered an opportunity to encourage the faithful to remember God’s miracle of being able to feed a multitude with just a few loaves and fishes, Pope Francis said.
Catholic minorities can still change the world, pope says at audience
Pope makes donation to help migrants traveling through Mexico
Pope Francis has donated $500,000 to assist migrants attempting to travel through Mexico, but who are increasingly being impeded by Mexican officials from reaching the U.S. border.
Balkans visit: Pope to touch sensitive issues of ecumenism, migration
Many migrants and refugees cross Greece en route to North Macedonia, a country Pope Francis will visit May 7.
Pope in Morocco: Highlighting Catholic-Muslim ‘dialogue of solidarity’
Christians and Muslims work together to assist migrants both at Caritas’ Migrant Reception Center, which the pope will visit, as well as in the neighborhoods and informal settlements where many migrants live.
Many migrants surprised to find long wait to apply for asylum in U.S.
More than 2,000 migrants already were waiting to apply for asylum in the U.S., and they were required to register their names on a waitlist managed by the shelter.
Vatican announces theme for World Day of Migrants and Refugees
The Vatican celebration of the World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2019 will be celebrated Sept. 29, the Vatican said, and the pope’s choice for a theme is: “It is not just about migrants.”
Border bishops say real emergency is how to take care of migrants
At a news conference in El Paso, Texas, Feb. 27, the archbishop said the real emergency at the southern U.S. border was “how we are going to take care of those who are discriminated and those who are disadvantaged.”
Welcome Christ present in migrants and refugees, pope urges
Pope Francis spoke about overcoming fear and welcoming others during a Mass he celebrated Feb. 15.