Forty people gathered at Our Lady of Lourdes, part of the Haven of Mercy Area Catholic Community, on the morning of June 1 and set out to learn about the work of Victor Cordella.
Anniversary pilgrimage highlights beauty of Minnesota churches designed by Victor Cordella
Urbank parish seeks new St. Bernadette statue
While the statue of Mary is more protected since it is surrounded by rocks, the St. Bernadette statue has suffered from weathering.
Joe Towalski: Thankful for a mother’s love in unsettled times
Our Lady of Lourdes and Mary, Undoer of Knots are two of Mary’s titles that speak particularly to these times.
Pope to health workers: Uphold ‘the truest human right, the right to life’
Health care professionals always must “promote the dignity and life of each person and reject any compromise in the direction of euthanasia, assisted suicide or suppression of life, even in the case of terminal illness,” Pope Francis said.
Nun’s recovery recognized as 70th official miraculous healing at Lourdes
As the Catholic Church celebrated the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, a French bishop announced the 70th officially recognized miraculous cure of a pilgrim to the Lourdes grotto where Mary appeared 160 years ago.