“While mitigation efforts to date have helped, the coronavirus continues to pose a serious health threat, particularly to the elderly and those with underlying illnesses.”
Bishop Kettler: Suspension of public Masses extended through May 15
Archdiocese to livestream display Shroud of Turin on Holy Saturday
On Holy Saturday, April 11, as Christians contemplate Jesus lying in the tomb, Archbishop Cesare Nosiglia will lead a liturgy of prayer and contemplation before the Shroud of Turin at 5 p.m. local time (10 a.m. CDT).
Bishops: Long-held ethical, moral principles must guide COVID-19 response
The coronavirus pandemic is creating fear over limited resources for treating patients, especially the most seriously ill, but “this is not a time to sideline our ethical and moral principles,” said the chairmen of three committees of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Pope on Palm Sunday: Life, measured by love, is meant to serve others
“Today, in the tragedy of a pandemic, in the face of the many false securities that have now crumbled, in the face of so many hopes betrayed, in the sense of abandonment that weighs upon our hearts, Jesus says to each one of us, ‘Courage, open your heart to my love. You will feel the consolation of God who sustains you,'” Pope Francis said.
Greg Erlandson: An opportunity not to be missed
It is human to be fearful at this moment, but we need to hear the words the Lord repeatedly encouraged us with: “Do not be afraid.”
COVID-19 is not God’s judgment, but a call to live differently, pope says
Pope Francis offered his meditation on the meaning of the COVID-19 pandemic and its implications for humanity March 27 before raising a monstrance with the Blessed Sacrament and giving an extraordinary blessing “urbi et orbi” (to the city and the world).
Churches begin canceling Masses in effort to stem COVID-19 pandemic
In an effort to stem the pandemic of COVID-19, bishops’ conferences and dioceses around the world began suspending public Masses.
Text of pope’s prayer to Mary during coronavirus pandemic
This is a translation of the prayer Pope Francis recited by video March 11 for a special Mass and act of prayer asking Mary to protect Italy and the world during of the coronavirus pandemic.