Pope Francis was elected March 13, 2013, becoming the first pope born in the Americas and first non-European pontiff in nearly 1,300 years.
Argentina celebrates 10 years of the first Latin American pontiff
At 10 years, Pope Francis makes Americans ‘uncomfortable’ in their political views, Cardinal Wilton Gregory says
Cardinal Gregory said Pope Francis has made it “totally uncomfortable to take great comfort in any one dimension of the church’s social teaching.”
Questions of faith: Vatican project sends theologians to ‘the margins’
A Vatican office sent dozens of theologians and pastoral workers to refugee camps, prisons, shelters, street corners and markets in 40 cities and towns on every continent to listen to the faith experiences and, especially, the faith questions of people often tossed aside or ignored by society and even the Catholic Church.
Feedback during synod shows church is ‘alive,’ yearns for Gospel, panel says
The Synod of Bishops’ office has received the summaries from more than 100 of the world’s 114 bishops’ conferences, “and they are still arriving.”
Oregon man’s vendor website, other initiatives aim to advance justice
A lawyer, schoolteacher and entrepreneur, Douglas Tsoi, believes that “prosperity is really about sharing, collaboration and generosity.”
Mary Marrocco: A story of joy amid anguish
“Jacques’ agony remained until his execution in the early morning of Oct. 1, 1957. So did his joy.”
Effie Caldarola: Standing with those on the margins
“‘In the eyes of the world,’ Father Steve told us, ‘This child means nothing. But in the eyes of God and of our Church, this child is precious and valued.'”