While Scripture declares that “the worker is worthy of his wages” (1 Tim 5:18), the dignity of work and the rights of workers remains the most overlooked theme of Catholic social teaching, according to a Jan. 29 panel of experts at the 2023 Catholic Social Ministry Gathering held in Washington.
Panelists sound alarm, share solutions on Catholic social teaching on worker rights
Inside the Capitol: The morality of crafting a budget
Minnesota Catholic Conference weighs in on predatory lending and legalizing vice to make ends meet.
Congress urged to make poor, vulnerable a priority for next stimulus bill
‘U.S. bishops’ Committee Domestic Justice and Human Development said the next federal stimulus package for pandemic economic relief must include help for the poor and vulnerable.
Social justice in this world
When we let our faith inform our vote and our political stances, we are bringing with us the wisdom and tradition of 2,000 years of thinkers and doers.