A second federal court blocked the Trump administration Oct. 22, 2020, from excluding immigrants in the U.S. without legal status from the census count.
Judges again block Trump’s efforts to keep unauthorized immigrants out of census
As election nears, ‘split’ Catholic voters try to find dialogue amid rancor
Two Catholics, two political views “Faithful Citizenship” is the central message.
EWTN News/RealClear poll shows more ‘likely Catholic voters’ behind Biden
The Biden and Trump gap narrows in polls by the two outlets looking at American Catholics’ voting habits and practices.
Supreme Court to hear cases emerging from Trump’s immigration policies
The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear cases stemming from President Donald Trump’s immigration policies related to financing border wall construction and the requirement that asylum-seekers remain in Mexico until their claims are processed.
Al Smith dinner draws presidential nominees for 75th year; this time dais is virtual
The annual fundraiser of the 75th annual Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner livestreamed Oct. 1, had remarks recorded videos were delivered by President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden.
Webinar tackles decision process facing Catholic voters in Nov. 3 election
The Catholic electorate has plenty to mull over in 2020.
Court sides with Trump on right to end TPS
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit said the president was within his rights to revoke the Temporary Protected Status (TPS.)
Judges block Trump’s order to exclude some from census count
A federal court ruled Sept. 10, 2020, that excluding immigrants in the country illegally from the census count would violate the 14th Amendment.