Two people were arrested March 29 after causing a disruption at a pro-life event on the Richmond campus of Virginia Commonwealth University.
Arrests made for ‘unruly conduct’ at Virginia university that disrupted pro-life meeting, injured student leader
New report says governments limit, restrict right to assemble peacefully
Globally, freedom of peaceful assembly faced restrictions in at least 100 of the 197 countries from October 2021 to September 2022, the report showed.
Nicaraguan proposal would toughen penalties for ‘undermining’ government
Nicaragua’s national assembly proposes toughening the penalties for “undermining national integrity” and could mean the eventual prosecution of priests and other civil society leaders for alleged involvement and support for protests.
Guatemalan church leaders back growing protests
Guatemala’s bishops also backed the demonstrations — and the included calls for a national strike — while priests and religious have participated in protests.
Russian Catholic urges nation’s bishops to speak out on massive arrests
A prominent Russian Catholic urged his nation’s bishops to condemn the mass arrest and beating of protesters, but the Moscow archdiocesan chancellor said the church could not comment on “political matters.”
Church becomes improvised morgue as Bolivian violence continues
A church located on the outskirts of Bolivia’s capital city became an improvised morgue Nov. 20, following another deadly day of protests in the South American country.
Ecuador’s president rolls back austerity measures that triggered protests
Ecuadorian observers at the Synod of Bishops for the Amazon at the Vatican are keeping an eye on massive protests that have claimed the lives of at least five people in their country.
Protesters shout down acting DHS head at immigration conference
Protesters at the 16th annual Immigration Law and Policy Conference at Georgetown University Law Center in Washington interrupt remarks by Acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan Oct. 7, 2019.