Having come to know Jesus through the Scriptures and in the Eucharist, Catholics are called to share with others the hope and joy that come from faith and that endure even when life gets difficult, Pope Francis said.
World Mission Sunday
John Paul II and our mother in heaven
Standing before an image of the Virgin Mary, Wojtlya’s father told him, “From today on, she will be your mother.”
Effie Caldarola: The real power of the rosary
“I was disturbed to see an article in The Atlantic magazine about how the rosary is being weaponized — literally.”
Pope, with Ukrainian families, to lead rosary for peace May 31
Pope Francis will close the Marian month of May by reciting the rosary for peace May 31 before a statue of Mary, Queen of Peace.
Bishop Kettler: Answering Mary’s call to conversion
“This month, let us turn to Mary in a special way as a spiritual role model to emulate and as a loving mother who faithfully brings all of our cares and concerns to her Son, Jesus.”
Prayer apps are popular, but users cautioned to review privacy policies
Large investments have led to questions about how the apps — like most other apps and online services — use the personal data collected from users and whether such information is being monetized.
GOOD IDEA: Virtual rosary connects people in praying for Ukraine
Sartell resident Carolyn Bertsch is pulling people together to pray the rosary on Zoom for the people of Ukraine.
Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary for Peace
The Rosary for Peace was first published by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops following the attacks on 9/11. Pope Francis has called on all Catholics to pray for peace for Ukraine.