In the form of the Eucharist, Jesus Christ has descended into the world of matter, and we partake of the very King of Heaven, under the form of the most ordinary bread.
‘Bread from heaven’ shows the goodness of creation
In Texas, 1,007 adults take new step in Catholic faith with confirmation
The Catholic Church encourages Catholic adults who are active in the practice of their faith but who, for whatever reason, have never received the sacrament of confirmation to do so.
‘Called to Joy of Love’ is theme of National Marriage Week USA Feb. 7-14
The observance is “an opportunity to focus on building a culture of life and love that begins with supporting and promoting marriage and the family,” said a Feb. 3 news release from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
First Honoring Marriage Day for Latino couples slated for Jan. 29
“A blessing [such as Honoring Marriage Day] is a pastoral work and an expression of a faith community’s joys and hopes. That is important in any culture,” said Mayuli Bales, diocesan director of multicultural ministries.
Decline in confession called harmful to church’s mission to spread Gospel
With COVID restrictions lifting, pastors looking to welcome faithful back should rethink their confession schedules.
Sacrament of holy orders: At the service of communion
Over the course of 2,000 years, the church has canonized myriad bishops, priests and deacons, but what is common to all of them is their path to holiness was marked by a unique sacrament: holy orders.
Too many couples do not understand marriage is for life, pope says
Because most people today do not understand that sacramental marriage really is a bond that binds them to each other for life, many marriages today can be considered invalid, the pope said.
‘Laudato Si” connects Catholic tradition, natural world and science
WASHINGTON (CNS) — For all the attention Pope Francis’ encyclical “Laudato Si’, on Care for Our Common Home” has gained, little has been made of the […]