Bishop Antonio Prieto Lucena of Alcalá de Henares opened the cause and appointed a tribunal to investigate Sister Clare Crockett’s sainthood prior to a Mass in a cathedral packed with family, friends and faithful.
Sister Clare Crockett, who lived ‘exceptional, holy life,’ begins road to sainthood as cause opens
Nation/World news briefs: Jan. 23, 2023
In focus: New medical school, McCarrick trial, world’s oldest known person dies
Sainthood cause of former FOCUS missionary prompts flood of prayer request
Michelle Duppong’s family members get a lot of prayer requests, especially for healing from grave illnesses and dire prognoses, that ask for the intercession of the recently declared “Servant of God.”
Pope advances sainthood causes, including first ‘martyr’ of charity
In a decree Dec. 17, 2022, Pope Francis advanced the sainthood cause of Father Ricci, recognizing the heroic virtues of the 16th-century missionary to China and declaring him venerable.
God’s mailman: Blessed John Paul always delivered Gospel with a smile
Pope Francis will beatify Pope John Paul I, who served 33 days as pontiff in 1978.
Backers of priest’s sainthood cause vow to fight recommendation to suspend it
Members of the Father Capodanno Guild were recently startled by a recommendation from theological consultants for a “suspension” of the chaplain’s cause for sainthood.
Schedule released for beatification of Pope John Paul I
The Diocese of Rome will host a prayer vigil the evening before the beatification of Pope John Paul I and his hometown will host the main Mass of Thanksgiving a week later, the office promoting his sainthood cause announced.
Panel brings Sister Thea Bowman’s life and legacy to Georgetown audience
Sister Thea Bowman, one of six Black Catholics known as a “Servant of God” now that their sainthood causes are being advanced, has plenty of lessons to impart from her life to Catholics today.