The archbishop of Detroit has suggested five warning signs to be alert for when engaging social media, news outlets, blogs or discussion groups.
Greg Erlandson: Advice for avoiding the ‘rotten fruit’ of our digital age
Youth crossings at border lead to rise in offers of foster care help
Because of the quick rise in the number of unaccompanied minors crossing the U.S.-Mexico border, more people are responding to the call to help made on social media by the U.S. bishops’ Migration and Refugee Services.
Virtual closeness, real community: Pope’s ministry flourished online
The pope and his liturgy and communication teams have made deliberate decisions during the COVID-19 pandemic to convey the pope’s closeness to those suffering.
Parents get advice on helping ‘screenagers’ navigate social media
A book that includes a wide-ranging topics such as social media, video games, mental health, sleep deprivation, screen-related conversations, family rules, fostering human bonds and other thought-provoking chapters.
Advent Week 2: Prepare the (digital) way of the Lord
How can we be the voice crying out in the wilderness when we can’t even leave our homes? The answer: We take to the (digital) streets.
Greg Erlandson: Can we disagree less disagreeably?
“The snark and the belittling are bad enough, but social media are aflame with all manner of allegations of great deceits and greater conspiracies among one’s opponents.”
Brett Robinson: ‘Moby-Dick’ and the online search for identity
“Psychologically speaking, the internet has become more than a tool for gathering information and connecting to other people; it has become an arena for working out one’s identity.”
Listen, respond to modern world, Vatican panel tells Catholic media
When Vatican communication leaders met virtually with U.S. and Canadian Catholic journalists and communication leaders June 30, they urged the group to keep up their work, think of new ways to have a broader reach and not get weighed down by society’s current polarization.