“A digital minimalist … is someone who gets lost in a book, a sunset or a woodworking project. These people have developed ‘a philosophy that puts our aspirations and values once again in charge of our daily experience.'”
Christina Capecchi: No cell phones, no problems: saluting the digital minimalists
Author helps four female doctors of church lead four-week retreat
Author Vinita Wright introduces us to these amazing women and highlights a particular quality of each that may be especially helpful for the reader.
Well-edited collection shows Dorothy Day’s unique vision of holiness
Dorothy Day’s writing, like her faith, is incarnational, and her word portraits are unfailingly engaging.
In-person assembly enables Vincentians to reconnect with society’s values
Some 60 local members, known as Vincentians, joined more than 600 others from across the nation for the assembly in downtown Houston Aug. 25 to 29.
Three books reflect on spiritual journeys from differing perspectives
Patrick Henry’s “Flashes of Grace” is a model of ecumenical sensitivity and reflects his 20 years as executive director of the Collegeville Institute for Ecumenical and Cultural Research at St. John’s University in Collegeville.
Effie Caldarola: Going on pilgrimage right at home
For those of us stay-at-home pilgrims, St. Ignatius might be the key to experiencing our own “cannonball” moment of faith.
New books offer spiritual nourishment during Lent, Easter season
Books for spiritual reading during Lent and the Easter season.
Elise Italiano Ureneck: The spirituality of starting again
In taking it one day at a time, we move forward to begin again in God’s service.