The Examen is not the old examination of conscience. Quite the opposite. The Examen is a prayer that focuses on God’s presence in the real world.
The Examen: a simple, life-changing prayer
As you are, you are enough for God
“Most people have no idea what God would make of them if they would only place themselves at his disposal.”
Prayer is a mission to bring hurting world to God, pope says
The Mass marked the 400th anniversary of the canonizations of the Jesuit Sts. Ignatius of Loyola and Francis Xavier, as well as Sts. Isidore of Madrid; Teresa of Avila, founder of the Discalced Carmelites; and Philip Neri, founder of the Oratorians.
All-star lineup: Why a canonization in 1622 still draws attention
At a ceremony in St. Peter’s Basilica March 12, 1622, Pope Gregory XV formally recognized the holiness of Sts. Teresa of Avila, Ignatius of Loyola, Isidore of Madrid (also known as Isidore the Farmer), Francis Xavier and Philip Neri.
Effie Caldarola: Going on pilgrimage right at home
For those of us stay-at-home pilgrims, St. Ignatius might be the key to experiencing our own “cannonball” moment of faith.
Actor did St. Ignatius’ spiritual exercises to prepare for priest role
Garfield’s spiritual adviser for this Jesuit journey was Jesuit Father James Martin, editor at large of America magazine.