“How difficult it is to forget the bang of the would-be assassin’s gunshots, which in a single moment could have put an end to this extraordinary pontificate,” Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz said at a Mass marking the anniversary.
Polish pilgrims mark anniversary of attempt to assassinate St. John Paul II
Photos of the Week: May 17, 2021
In the spotlight: Israeli-Palestinian conflict, attempted-assassination anniversary, Our Lady of Fatima
McCarrick report summary cites lack of serious investigations of rumors
Although dogged for years by rumors of sexual impropriety, Theodore E. McCarrick was able to rise up the Catholic hierarchical structure based on personal contacts, protestations of his innocence and a lack of church officials reporting and investigating accusations, according to the Vatican summary of its report on the matter.
Celebrating St. John Paul II in photos
Photographer Giancarlo Giuliani exhibits photos from the pontificate of St. John Paul II in Rome.
Jack Lawlis: COVID-19 magnifies the crisis of the family
“Our families have emerged as many people’s primary community during the COVID-19 pandemic. This fits the family’s natural role in society, but the change has not been easy. Many families have experienced new challenges amid COVID-19.”
Concert honoring St. John Paul II centenary available online
An concert honoring the centennial of St. John Paul II’s birth is now available online.
Jack Lawlis: The enduring message of ‘The Gospel of Life’
A quarter-century has passed, and attacks on life continue with alarming frequency. As each attack further darkens our society, we — the Church — must carry the light of life preached in Pope St. John Paul II’s “Gospel of Life.”
Encyclical calls all Catholics to work toward Christian unity, says bishop
Twenty-five years ago St. John Paul’s encyclical on ecumenism, “Ut Unum Sint,” put the papal seal of approval on a shift in the Catholic Church’s approach to the search for Christian unity.