The pope said the tasks of a journalist are “listening, translating and dissemination” with listening being the key first step.
‘Noble profession’ of journalism must convey the truth, pope says
Pacem in Terris retreat center adds three hermitages
Nearly a year after ground was broken, Pacem in Terris Hermitage Retreat Center is opening three new individual prayer cabins for guests, bringing the total number of hermitage spaces to 22.
Divine Mercy celebration marks 40 years at St. Paul in Sauk Centre
Divine Mercy Sunday will be celebrated April 24 at St. Faustina’s Chapel of Divine Mercy, a shrine within St. Paul Church in Sauk Centre.
St. Maximilian Kolbe
St. Maximilian Kolbe 1894-1941 Feast Day: August 14 Raimund Kolbe, born in Russian Poland, was ordained a Franciscan, Maximilian Mary, in Rome. In the 1920s, he reopened a […]