Para la producción navideña de la temporada actual, Jeremy Stanbary, el fundador y director artístico del teatro, cuenta la historia del obispo Nicolás de Myra, el verdadero San Nicolás.
“Open Window Theatre”, da vida a la historia de San Nicolás
Open Window Theatre brings the story of St. Nicholas to life
For the current season’s holiday production, Jeremy Stanbary, the theater’s founder and artistic director, tells the story of Bishop Nicholas of Myra, the real St. Nicholas.
Saint spotlight: St. Nicholas
His feast is celebrated on Dec. 6. And whether he makes his appearance as a bishop on a white horse or a jolly old man in red, St. Nicholas is probably one of the most universally known symbols of the Christmas season throughout the world.
Taking a closer look at the real St. Nicholas
From the archives: An interview with the author of “The Saint Who Would Be Santa Claus: The True Life and Trials of Nicholas of Myra”
St. Nicholas Day: A time to celebrate charity and justice
St. Nicholas is a model of faith-in action worth emulating as we prepare for the Christmas season.
St. Nicholas
While the original St. Nicholas was known and honored for his concern for the poor, the Church also remembers him as a fierce defender of the faith against the Arian heresy at the first Church council in Nicaea.
Learn from the past to bring peaceful future to Middle East, pope says
As war continues to threaten the land of Jesus’ birth and to undermine the existence of Christian communities there, the international community must learn from the errors of the past and do more to bring lasting peace to the Middle East, Pope Francis said.
Indiana town embodies Santa Claus and his spirit of love, peace, joy
“Growing up as a Christian, you want to share your gifts. You want to give of yourself. The true Christian is St. Nicholas — it’s that generosity all the time,” said Father John Brosmer.