Food can serve as a powerful force for forging deeper connections. Through the rituals of cooking and eating, we feed our friendships, creating lasting memories one bite at a time.
The scourge of loneliness and the ‘culture of connection’
Synod asks pastors to share stories, see how God is at work
More than 200 parish priests chosen by their bishops’ conferences or Eastern Catholic synods attended a four-day meeting in Rome to share their experiences and contribute to the ongoing synod on synodality.
6 things you need to know about the second round of Synod listening
Pope Francis is inviting the world into another round of listening sessions. Seeing synodality as a model of the Church, and for the Diocese of St. Cloud, is one of Bishop Patrick Neary’s priorities.
Five events in 2024 to help us be better Catholics
As people of faith, we know that our hope is found not in political parties or their candidates but in Jesus Christ and his church. So, instead of dreading the first Tuesday in November and the inevitably contentious lead-up, here are five events Catholics can anticipate with joy this calendar year.
Francis’ decade as pope called dramatic, dizzying, daring and divisive — anything but dull
What Francis has done, Ivereigh argued, is reconnect the church with grace and with the Holy Spirit.
Synod: Entering a new phase
St. John’s School of Theology professor Kristin Colberg reflects on her experience of helping to craft the synod’s latest document.
Pace of preparations is quickening as synod on synodality approaches
Coming right on the heels of the diocesan phase is “the continental stage” of consultations, which will consist of a series of 10 Zoom meetings for delegates chosen by each diocese in the United States and Canada, Bishop Daniel Flores said.
Joining forces: Fostering a strong connection between synodality, Eucharistic Revival
“Focusing on encountering Jesus, the role of listening is at the heart of this movement. How can we prepare and open ourselves to him? How can we reflect the love he shares with us with others?”