Following a controversial debate, KNA wrote, the Synodal Path reform project adopted a corresponding text in Frankfurt on March 10, with a majority of over 90%.
German Synodal Assembly allows women to preach at Mass, clears the way for church blessing of same-sex couples
Germany’s Synodal Assembly calls for change on deacons, bishops’ selection
The Synodal Path of the Catholic Church in Germany wants laypeople to be able to participate in choosing bishops and wants the church to have women deacons.
German bishop criticizes Synodal Path for postponing gender-neutral debate
KNA reported Bishop Voderholzer said the presidium had decided not to hold the debate until a text of the synodal discussion group on trans- and intersexual people was available in draft form.
‘Little strokes fell big oaks’: German women look at change in the church
The role of women in the church is among the top issues of the Synodal Path, but the decision on the ordination of women is ultimately up to Rome.
German bishop says he’s skeptical about exempting priests from celibacy
The German bishops and a national council of laity designed the Synodal Path to discuss issues of power, sexual morality, priestly life and the role of women in the church.
Cologne cardinal warns German church’s Synodal Path could cause schism
Cologne Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki warned that the Synodal Path reform project could lead to a “German national church.”