In a 5-4 vote July 26, the Supreme Court said the Trump administration could use $2.5 billion in Pentagon funds to pay for construction and repairs of a wall along the U.S-Mexico border.
Supreme Court allows Trump administration to use funds for border wall
Trump administration to apply ‘third country’ rule for asylum-seekers
The Trump administration announced the U.S. departments of Justice and Homeland Security are adopting an interim “third country rule” requiring immigrants seeking asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border to first apply for refugee status in another country.
USCCB leaders decry policies they say led to child deaths at border
Leadership of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in an op-ed cast blame on government policies for recent child deaths near the U.S.-Mexico border.
Nuncio discusses migration, religious freedom, faith in a changing society
Pope Francis follows closely the news related to immigration at the U.S.-Mexico border, Archbishop Christophe Pierre said in May 30 interview in Pittsburgh.
CLINIC convening focuses on how to gain justice for immigrants, refugees
Members of the Catholic Legal Immigration Network shared stories of success and heartache during their May 29-31 Convening 2019 in downtown Pittsburgh.
Group’s immigrant solidarity project ‘not about politics,’ organizers say
WASHINGTON (CNS) — On March 4, Cristobal Cavazos and his companions on the “DuPage Solidarity With the Asylum Seekers” project departed from the headquarters of the […]
Border bishops say real emergency is how to take care of migrants
At a news conference in El Paso, Texas, Feb. 27, the archbishop said the real emergency at the southern U.S. border was “how we are going to take care of those who are discriminated and those who are disadvantaged.”
‘The desert speaks’: Faith communities gather at U.S.-Mexico border
Standing in the shadow of the fence separating the United States and Mexico, Bishop Mark J. Seitz pulled out the photos of two migrant children who died in U.S. custody.