In its annual report on pastoral workers killed, Fides, the news agency of the Pontifical Mission Societies, listed eight priests and five laymen. Six were killed in Africa, five in Central or South America, and two were killed in Europe.
Vatican says 13 missionaries were killed in 2024
In Africa, albinism can feel like living with a death sentence; the church is trying to change that
In African countries, however, the medical conditions associated with albinism do not pose the biggest risk.
Pope prays at home while thousands attend Way of the Cross at Colosseum
The theme this year was “Voices of peace in a world at war,” and several dicasteries of the Roman Curia formulated the prayers and meditations drawing from what Pope Francis has heard from people suffering from a lack of peace during his apostolic journeys and on other occasions.
Christians in northern Iraq are proof that resurrection happens every day
There are some positive signs of the hard work Catholic authorities are making to try to see a better future in Iraq, as one of the country’s rich mosaic of religious and ethnic minorities.
Uvalde’s long road to recovery from mass shooting may offer some insights for Nashville community
The violence of school shootings “is perhaps one of the greatest forms of injustice that we routinely witness in our country.
As federal government pursues police brutality, communities look for church’s voice
The U.S. Justice Department revealed on March 8 it is investigating the Memphis Police Department and specialized police units across the U.S., following Nichols’ brutal death.
Vatican official asks Catholics to give to Good Friday collection
The desecrated face of a statue of the crucified Christ in a Jerusalem church should move Catholics around the world “to recognize the pain of so many of our brothers and sisters” in the Holy Land, who have experienced the tragedy of violence and natural disasters, said a top Vatican official.
Indigenous Canadians seek support from Catholics, pope to fight violence against women, girls
Anti-Indigenous racism in North America also plays a significant role in devaluing Indigenous women and girls and fueling horrific levels of violence against them.