Nativity scene is reminder of hope amid suffering, pope says

Meeting with delegations from Castelli in Italy’s Abruzzo region and from Kocevje, Slovenia — responsible, respectively, for the Nativity scene and Christmas tree in St. Peter’s Square — the pope said that Christmas “reminds us that Jesus is our peace, our joy, our strength, our comfort.”

Cardinal upholds ‘probable invalidity’ of confession by phone

Even though the world is facing a pandemic that may limit many people’s ability to celebrate the sacraments, particularly those people who are in isolation, quarantining or hospitalized with COVID-19, confession by phone is still most likely invalid, said Cardinal Mauro Piacenza, head of the Apostolic Penitentiary.

St. Lucy

Feast day: Dec. 13 The moral virtue of courage, or fortitude, enables us to stand firm in times of difficulty and to persevere in doing good. […]