As the Diocese of St. Cloud is gearing up for the Diocesan Eucharistic Congress Sept. 7-9, the local Eucharistic Revival Prayer Team is announcing a contest for all ages to depict art, photography, poetry or a short reflection/essay about the Eucharist. Through prayer and reflection, individuals are asked to consider the theme, “What does the Eucharist mean to me?” Participants are encouraged to read Scripture, Church documents on the Eucharist and other trusted Catholic resources, study the lives of the saints, talk with others and spend time in personal prayer and contemplation.
Please see the age categories below. Winners in each category will be announced in The Central Minnesota Catholic magazine and all entries will be displayed during the Eucharistic Congress at Lake George in St. Cloud on Sept. 9.
THEME: “What does the Eucharist mean to me?”
Winners will be determined for each age group.
Preschool-Grade 2 | Grades 3-5 | Grades 6-8 | Grades 9-12 | Age 18-23 | Age 24+
The contest begins on June 11, the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ.
The final submission date is The Transfiguration of The Lord on Aug. 6.
Please send original submissions to:
The Central Minnesota Catholic Attn: Word and Art Contest
305 7th Avenue North
St. Cloud, MN 56303
Include your name, parent’s name (if under age 18), age/grade, parish, phone number and email address.
By entering this contest, you consent to your name and entry possibly being used in print and digital publications as well as displayed at the Eucharistic Congress Sept. 9 at Lake George in St. Cloud. Winners will be contacted prior to the Congress.
Hi I have a great suisdion for your contest but the original is 18+22 , can I send a copy 8+10 photo and submit it this way, if it’s chosen I can then send or deliver the original
Absolutely. Thank you for the question!
Is there a poster we can put up at our parishes about the contest? Thanks!
Hi Jenna. Good question. Yes, a poster will be available shortly on the diocesan website