No, Richard Dawkins, cultural Christianity is not enough

In a striking turn of events, renowned atheist and evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins recently declared himself a “cultural Christian.” This declaration was sparked by his reaction to the Mayor of London’s decision to celebrate Ramadan with 30,000 lights on Oxford Street rather than Easter.

Does every moment count?

One person’s good use of time is another person’s waste. Good, sincere, conscientious people obviously use time in very different ways and feel they’re right to do so.

‘It is the Lord!’

Some of the Gospel accounts are strange to us. When we read or hear these stories at Mass, we can’t help but wonder what in the world was going on. How is it possible that the people who knew Jesus best didn’t know him when they saw him?

Ask Father Tom: Living the Dream

“Living the dream” might express deep satisfaction with achieving one’s goals in life, or it might be said ironically when life is marked with frustrations, obstacles and problems.

See you in the story

Every time we return to the promise of a beautiful story, opening a book we have read a thousand times before, but especially each time we gather in worship, we are reminded that stories are food and drink, bread and wine, spirit and life, filling us always.

Easter gives us reason to hope

Somewhere along the line, some people have lost hope that we will experience the fullness of salvation that Christ’s resurrection signifies on this side of eternity. Instead, we settle for something far less than God intends for us.

Let’s celebrate Easter for a while

For this writer, it was a tough Lent. Part of it, of course, had nothing explicitly to do with Lent. The news has generally been dreadful, a reminder, of why we need saving.