Following a Mass June 6, parishioners relaxed with a hog roast, horse-drawn wagon rides, kids’ games, a quilt raffle and the Nathan Neuman Old Time Band.
St. Stephen commemorates 150 years
Lenten prayer chain energizes seven parishes becoming one ACC
Father Peter VanderWeyst’s inspiration to begin a reciprocal prayer chain has drawn members of seven parishes closer together.
Christ Our Light music director composes hymn celebrating nature
Titled “Let Us Care for Our Common Home,” the hymn focuses on the beauty of nature but also challenges human behavior toward the planet so people will make more thoughtful choices about the environment.
Sartell parish youth send light, love through paper rose bouquets
“Our goal for youth ministry this year was to bring a light to others, and to involve as many people in the parish as possible. About 30 youth or families took part in the project with many people requesting more than one kit,” said Melissa Fox.
Workers on the front lines share experiences via Zoom
This week, people on the front lines of dealing with COVID-19 — teachers, administrators, law enforcement and medical workers — have had two virtual opportunities to share their experiences, from sorrow and grief to goodwill and laughter, thanks to an initiative of Christ our Light Parish in Princeton and Zimmerman.
Genesis House brings a new beginning to Habitat for Humanity
The Sisters of the Order of St. Benedict in St. Joseph handed over the keys of Genesis House to members of Central Minnesota Habitat for Humanity in December. The transfer of the property ended with a prayer service to bless the home, the workers who will renovate it and the family who will come to live there.
Sweet Christmas cookie tradition connects members of Alexandria community
For nearly 30 years, the Cookie Connection tradition has brought Christmas cheer to the homebound or those unable to bake. This year, however, the tradition changed due to COVID-19 restrictions.
Harvest of Hope parishes give wings to traveling crane prayer chain
“Our parishioners have been feeling very disconnected, not being able to be together at Mass or share in sacraments with family members. But creating our own 1,000-crane chain, each with a prayer, could help us feel like a community again.”