BISHOP DONALD KETTLER was ordained 50 years ago on May 29, 1970. Pope Francis named Bishop Kettler the ninth bishop of the Diocese of Saint Cloud on Sept. 20, 2013, and he was installed on Nov. 7, 2013.
As he marks this milestone anniversary, he was asked 50 questions about his life — some silly, some serious, some sentimental.
1. What do you remember most about your ordination day?
I had a sense that I had accomplished something. I remember it was sunny outside and getting a hug from my mom.
2. Did you ever think you would be a bishop?
I had thought a little about what would happen if the pope asked me to be a bishop. I always thought I would not be a very good bishop, but I try hard to do my best.
3. What is your favorite food?
Prime rib, rare. King crab.
4. When did you first think you might be called to priesthood?
In grade school. Then, I went to [Trinity Prep School in Sioux City, Iowa] with the idea. In those days the school was considered kind of a seminary. I was already thinking about it then. I had been intending to go to the Catholic high school at home [in Sioux Falls, South Dakota], and then we had a vocation camp where someone else mentioned he maybe would be going to the seminary. This was the summer before the fall when high school was starting. I thought about it, and then I convinced my folks to let me go.

5. Who is your favorite saint and why?
Joseph — it’s my middle name. I liked his job and what he did to care for Jesus and Mary.
6. What would you change about yourself if you could?
I get defensive, particularly when I’m not sure of something. I would like to change that about myself.
7. What really makes you angry?
If there’s an issue, and someone goes around behind my back, that irritates me.
8. What motivates you to work hard?
My calling as a priest. Serving and caring for people is part of that calling and that motivates me.
9. What’s your favorite thing you enjoy related to your ministry?
The No. 1 thing would be ordinations. Any of the big gatherings, celebrations and liturgies — those are my favorite things. Being with people.
10. What is your proudest accomplishment?
That I can look at some things and say that the desire in me to serve people really did help them in some ways.
11. What is a favorite book you have read?
I love and use the Bible. Some recent books that I’ve really enjoyed are “A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood” about Fred Rogers. I liked the book about Pope Francis titled “Wounded Shepherd” by Austen Ivereigh. I also like any kind of book about history.
12. What makes you laugh the most?
I like when someone is really clever. It makes me laugh and I think, “Wow, how did they think that up?”
13. What did you want to be when you were small?
I wanted to be an athlete, like a basketball player. After that, I thought about priesthood and professional careers like a lawyer or doctor.
14. If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be?
I’d go to some really neat place outside and be there for the day. It could be up in the mountains or by a lake.
15. What is your favorite sport to watch?
16. Did you play a sport in high school or college?
Yes, basketball.
17. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Eggs, prepared many different ways to break the monotony.
18. Have you ever had a nickname?
Yes — “Legs” in high school.
19. If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to?
I’d like to go back to Bible times, New Testament times, to see the context in which everything happened.
20. What are your hobbies?
Watching sports. Is that a hobby? I also like playing golf and reading.
21. What is the best gift you have been given?
When someone has written me a personal thank you note.
22. Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without?
Not getting outside for at least short time.
23. Where do you see yourself in five years?
I’ll be retired. Hopefully, I’ll still be doing some priest work. And I hope to be able to do a little traveling, and maybe going down south to play a little golf. I’d like to get to New York or Chicago and see some Broadway musicals.
24. If you were a superhero, what powers would you have?
I’d like the power of being able to get to different places quickly. And also to be wise, if that’s a power.
25. What’s your favorite holiday?
26. What’s the most daring thing you’ve ever done?
Fly an airplane when I was in Alaska.
27. Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life?
Tom Hanks
28. What’s your favorite fast food chain?
Right now, Culver’s
29. What’s your favorite family recipe?
Crepes. I can make those. It was my mother’s and grandmother’s recipe.
30. Do you love or hate rollercoasters?
I used to love them and ride them a lot. But not so much anymore.
31. What’s your favorite family tradition?
When our family could travel together on a family vacation.
32. What is your favorite childhood memory?
Playing basketball and some basketball accomplishments.
33. Do/did you collect anything?
Yes. I’ve collected two things. I collected stamps for a long time. I also collected Avon bottles. There were bottles that were trucks, firetrucks, rifles. I probably had a few hundred of them. I eventually gave away the stamps and bottles to family.
34. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
35. If you had a warning label, what would yours say?
Warning: Don’t surprise me.
36. What’s the most interesting thing you can see out of your office or kitchen window?
The trees and animals outside my house. I had two deer on my front lawn yesterday.
37. What was your first job?
Selling newspapers on a street corner — the Argus Leader in Sioux Falls.
38. Is there an exotic place you’d like to travel to?
I’d like to visit Australia and New Zealand.
39. What is one thing that not many people know about you?
They don’t know how much of an avid sports fan I am. My favorite teams are the Vikings and Twins. I also like musicals.
40. What do you hope people remember about your last 50 years in ministry?
That I was able to help some people.
41. What do you hope they forget?
There have been times that I’ve been defensive and short with people, and that has hurt them. I regret that.
42. Do you have a favorite song?
Not a single song, but I like a lot of Broadway musical songs. I also like a lot of ’50s and ’60s songs.
43. Favorite prayer?
Our Father
44. Favorite musical?
“Les Miserables”
45. Favorite movie?
I’m thinking about movies I’ve seen more recently in the theater or on TV. One I really liked was “Hacksaw Ridge” about a conscientious objector who was awarded the Medal of Honor. I really liked, more recently, “The Greatest Showman,” about P.T. Barnum.
46. Favorite season of the year?
47. Favorite hymn?
“Lift High the Cross”
48. Favorite Bible passage?
The Parable of the Prodigal Son
49. If you could learn something new, or improve on something, what would it be?
I would sure like to learn to be a better golfer.
50. What do you love most about the St. Cloud Diocese?
The people and their love for the Church.