Movie: ‘Free Fire’

The premise of “Free Fire” (A24) is that a single extended gunfight can sustain an entire film, provided the participants in the showdown keep making incongruously funny and mordant remarks.

Movie: ‘Gifted’

Endearing and well-acted, director Marc Webb’s drama “Gifted” (Fox Searchlight) might have been a family-friendly movie.

Film students travel to ‘Endor’ to shoot ‘Star Wars’ fan film

After raising more than $3,600 through the crowdfunding website Indiegogo, Preston Yarger and Nicolas Alayo, filmmakers who are lifelong “Star Wars” fans, spent two days in mid-February filming in Humboldt Redwoods State Park in Northern California, where scenes from “Return of the Jedi” had been shot more than three decades ago.

Movie: ‘The Fate of the Furious’

Grown viewers willing to kick reality to the curb will have fun with the preposterous but lively auto-themed action adventure “The Fate of the Furious” (Universal).

Dicey moral values and a high mayhem quotient, however, mean this seventh sequel to 2001’s “The Fast and the Furious” is not a film for impressionable youngsters.

Movie: ‘The Case for Christ’

The movie, “The Case for Christ” — which is acceptable for a wide audience and for those looking for an informal way to bolster their religious education during the holiest of seasons could hardly find a more fitting choice.

Movie: ‘Going in Style’

Despite its title, there’s nothing very spiffy about “Going in Style” (Warner Bros.). In fact, this leaden caper comedy feels distinctly cut-rate.

Movie: ‘The Zookeeper’s Wife’

A couple powerless to save many of the animals in their care, Antonina and husband, Jan Zabinskis turn to rescuing people in their defiance of the Nazis.