Blessed Rupert Mayer

Blessed Rupert Mayer worked with the poor and unemployed, directed a men’s sodality, and spoke out against the rise of Adolf Hitler after World War I.

Bishops to consider endorsing sainthood cause of Sister Thea Bowman

The U.S. bishops will consider endorsing the sainthood cause of Sister Thea Bowman, the granddaughter of slaves and the only African-American member of the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration, who transcended racism to leave a lasting mark on Catholic life in the United States in the late 20th century.

Fidelity is for every vocation, not just marriage, pope says

Married men and women, priests and those in religious life are ultimately called to live out their vocation faithfully and follow the “path of love that goes from receiving care to the ability to offer care, from receiving life to the ability to give life,” the pope said Oct. 31 during his weekly general audience.

Listen to those in need, pope says in World Day of Poor message

The Pope Francis asked for an examination of conscience to ask are we listening to the poor in a message for the World Day of the Poor — to be marked each year on the 33rd Sunday of ordinary time — will be celebrated Nov. 18 this year and will focus on a verse from Psalm 34, “This poor one cried out and the Lord heard.”