Some key observations Kresky has made involve taking a deeper look at lay leadership in the diocese.
New planning director offers 6 observations about lay leadership
The landscape of lay leadership
What is the current situation of lay leadership in the Diocese of St. Cloud? What is envisioned moving forward?
By the numbers: The Diocese of St. Cloud, 1950 to present
The Visitor has compiled current and historical data to help paint a picture of the changes the diocese has experienced over the last few decades.
Workshop looks at Catholic parishes of 21st century
More than 100 people attended a workshop at St. John’s University in Collegeville Feb. 9 presented by Charles Zech, an economics and research professor emeritus at Villanova University in Pennsylvania.
Pastoral plan keeps moving
The Diocese of St. Cloud is working toward a new pastoral plan for parishes expected to launch in the summer of 2019.
Diocesan Planning Council continues to gather input toward 2019 pastoral plan
Continuing toward their goal of unrolling a plan for parishes in the diocese in 2019 to prepare for the expected decline in the number of priests, members of the Diocesan Planning Council held meetings in each of the seven deaneries of the St. Cloud Diocese in November and early December.
DMD workshop seeks input for future of parishes, priests
A series of three meetings for priests across the diocese was held this summer to discuss the future of the 131 parishes within the boundaries of the St. Cloud Diocese. And now the bishop is looking for input from the laity.
Task force examines impact of future with fewer active priests
A priest task force charged with making recommendations in light of an expected decline in the number of active priests between 2020 and 2030 reported on […]