Catholic Charities’ Social Concerns suggests these Lenten resource ideas centered on Catholic social teaching.
Catholic Relief Services offers an examination of conscience based on Catholic Social Teaching which poses questions like, “Do I promote the life and dignity of all persons, especially the unborn? Do I set a good example in my own family, respecting the dignity of all people, especially those unlike myself?” This resource can be used individually in preparation for the sacrament of reconciliation or for personal reflection. Find it here: https://
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops offers Stations of the Cross to Overcome Racism. This series is intended to “acknowledge the sin of racism and combat it in our social structures, our institutions, and our hearts.” Find it here: https://bit. ly/38PE18q.
“Open Wide Our Hearts, the Enduring Call to Love: A Pastoral Letter Against Racism,” from USCCB. The document, study guide and many other accompanying resources can all be found at: https://www. This makes a great Lenten discussion group resource.
CRS also offers a video series Stations of the Cross in relation to CST which can be found at stations-of-the-cross.
March is women’s history month. Women face more economic adversity than men in all racial and ethnic groups. This resource gives more about the efforts of the Catholic Church to support marginalized women around the world and promotes engagement during the Lenten season: https://bit. ly/3b9Gihk.
Although these lessons are geared toward youth, they are accessible for all ages. Lesson plans for youth on each of the themes of CST can be found by visiting org/resource-center/catholic-social-teaching-lesson-plans.
Additional worksheets and puzzles related to CST are available at https://www.