St. Teresa of Avila was the first saint to choose me. I read small chunks of her biography and finally felt like I found someone who understood me. She was feisty and had strong convictions. She had to work on biting her tongue. She was a trailblazer and wasn’t afraid to speak her mind. I prayed that she would intercede for me and that she would ask the Lord to break down the walls of my tough exterior.
St. Thérèse of Lisieux was the next saint who knocked on the door of my heart. In my arrogance, I had avoided her for many years. I thought she was childish. After my mom died unexpectedly, I suddenly became aware of how short life on this earth can be and how I was in great need of surrendering my will.
St. Thérèse of Lisieux walked with me during that first year of grieving and taught me little lessons of handing over everything so that when we meet God face-to-face we are left with empty hands and can receive everything from him.
Mother Teresa wasn’t yet a saint when I chose her for my confirmation name, but she reappeared when I was in my early 20s as a teacher in a small Catholic school. Her words of wisdom reminded me to be the face of Christ for my students. She sent gentle reminders to speak kindly, have a cheerful smile, and to offer not only my care but also my heart.
Edith Stein’s “Essays on Woman” was my constant companion when I was in graduate school. She spoke so eloquently about the dignity and vocation of women that I was able to speak truth into who I was and the career I was pursuing.
St. Joseph appeared after I asked him to find a husband for me. The day after I made this request, I met the man who would later become my husband. St. Joseph became the patron saint of our engagement. He also became the person I’d run to when we needed guidance.
I asked St. Joseph to help us sell our home, and he introduced us to someone who had been asking him to help them find a home. It was an instant match. St. Joseph has led my husband to several new jobs. He has brought so much security to our lives, and I can rest in the assurance that he is looking out for us.
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton is currently working her way into my heart as I am busy with four small children. As a mother of many children herself, and a pioneer in ministry and education, she is breathing life into my soul and encouraging me to continue loving my family at home and building up women in the ministries I lead outside of our home.
I know that when my life circumstances change, a new saint will pop into my life, and this gives me so much encouragement! The Holy Spirit never disappoints. It brings the right person at the right time, and I never have to walk alone.
Thank you, Lord, for the communion of saints
Melaine Myklebust is a wife and a mother to four small children. She is a member of Mary of the Immaculate Conception Parish in Rockville. Melaine has a passion for women’s ministry and leads a Scripture study for women at her parish. She also facilitates the Central MN Catholic Moms Group. Melaine loves reading, cooking, watercolor painting, and she has a weakness for temperament and personality type quizzes.
NOVEMBER 1 IS ALL SAINTS’ DAY, a holy day of obligation to honor all of the saints.
INTENTION: We remember the saints and martyrs who were servants of the Lord during their earthly lives and ask that they pray for us to one day join them in heaven.
DID YOU KNOW? Many families make it a tradition on All Saints’ Day to gather at a local cemetery and decorate the graves with flowers or wreaths in anticipation of All Souls’ Day, which occurs on Nov. 2. Catholics in many countries honor and pray for the departed souls who may have no one to pray for them. — adapted from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops