As Pope Francis is scheduled to visit Iraq March 5-8, the number of COVID-19 cases in Iraq began increasing and the government announced a new lockdown, Feb. 18.
COVID-19 cases rising in Iraq as pope set to visit
Poorer parishes, dioceses take a bigger hit from pandemic
Just as it was in much of American society this past year, the financial toll exacted by the coronavirus pandemic affected poor parishes and dioceses more starkly than it did larger and more well-to-do Catholic institutions.
Latin American church leaders: Get vaccines, prioritize the vulnerable
Latin American countries have had difficulties obtaining vaccines as wealthier nations have secured the lion’s share of doses already produced and those in the pipeline.
Pandemic shows need for new model of care for elderly, academy says
A new document released Feb. 9 from the Pontifical Academy for Life — titled, “Old Age: Our Future. The Elderly After the Pandemic” — addresses the needs of older people.
CRS shifts into gear to help during ‘crisis on top of other crises’
Though COVID-19 seems like the global enemy to defeat, for aid organizations such as Catholic Relief Services, it is simply another crisis to respond to, said CRS executive, Bill O’Keefe.
California bishops welcome court’s ruling easing worship restrictions
U.S. Supreme Court’s Feb. 5 ruling eased the state’s restrictions on indoor worship put in place with the COVID-19 pandemic.
Mexican bishops issue another appeal for anti-hunger program
Mexico’s bishops have restarted an anti-hunger campaign, saying the pandemic has pushed millions of Mexicans into unemployment and poverty.
As COVID-19 deaths increase, Mexican bishops announce focus on prevention
Mexico has the third-highest number of coronavirus deaths, after the United States and Brazil.