“As I continue my discernment journey toward final profession, learning and growing in my understanding of the Benedictine way of life, I continue to have a sense of peace and joy in living my life in this way.”
Benedictine Sister Laura Suhr: A call to love many
RCIA: A community endeavor
Welcoming people to know more about Jesus Christ is not the sole task of a parish priest or staff member; it belongs to the whole faith community as members of Christ’s Church.
Heaven or bust: Eden Valley woman prepares to enter religious life
Madi Field, from Eden Valley, will enter religious life Jan. 25 with the Discalced Carmelites of the Holy Name of Jesus in Denmark, Wisconsin.
Scott and Sydney Athey: Embracing true discernment
Scott and Sydney Athey found ways to support each other’s vocation decisions, including marriage.
Dominican Sister Anne Therese Wilder: Transforming the world
Dominican Sister Anne Therese Wilder, who grew up in St. Cloud, reflects on her call to religious life.
Survey says: Invitation, prayer key to discerning vocation to priesthood
National survey offers insight into the 2019 ordination class.
Latin America leaves footprint in synod document, bishop says
VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The call for missionary discipleship that has been at the heart of the new evangelization in Latin America and the Caribbean left […]
Vocation equals accompaniment
A question that Brother Javier Hansen has been pondering is how to motivate young people to make mature life choices in the faith.