Even though the Bible was written ages ago, its pages always have meanings and messages for us today. Our challenge is to find connections between the text of yesterday and the “today” of our lives.
The five parts of praying with Scripture
Looking ahead: 2023 Lenten opportunities in the diocese
Local religious communities will be hosting a variety of Lenten services, retreats and other events.
Contrasting views on Jesus have widely divergent value to readers
Contrasting views on Jesus have widely divergent value to readers.
Melaine Myklebust: Lent in the domestic Church
“After a busy Christmas season and winter, I am feeling the call to strip back down to the basics. I want to focus on what is most essential about Lent.”
Pray with us: A sampling of prayers, devotions and spiritual practices for Advent and Christmas
The Church offers a variety of prayer forms and spiritual practices to deepen our faith during these holy seasons.
‘Holy reading’ invites deeper encounter with Scripture
The prayer practice of “lectio divina” is a different kind of reading, one that invites a slow, intentional encounter with Scripture.
A devotional life will not leave us as it found us
The U.S. Catholic bishops explained in a 2003 document that “popular devotional practices do not replace the liturgical life of the church; rather they extend it into daily life.”
Compellingly honest book on prayer contrasts with another offering
Two books, one book braces reality and with a corporate understanding of Catholicism. The second book that appeal to the people that are more spiritual but point to ourselves and not to God.