When Benedictine Father John Klassen’s 23-year run as abbot of Saint John’s Abbey in Collegeville ended in January 2024, he was asked what was next on his agenda.
Recognizing the need for Hispanic/Latino ministry in the Diocese in St. Cloud, he said his plan was to “work hard to become competent in Spanish.”
Former Benedictine abbot reflects on time in Mexico and new role in community
Making space for Jesus: Creating or refreshing home prayer space is fun and meaningful way to welcome Jesus in the new year
Rita Olson knows families are often busy managing multiple schedules so finding time to pray can be difficult. In her faith formation program, she teaches how creating a space for individual and family prayer can help.
10 Resolutions to kick-start your year
This is a moment to resolve to get our faith in shape — to live more prayerfully, more gratefully, more thoughtfully, more hopefully.
How can we do that? Here are a few ideas and suggestions to chart a new path for the coming 12 months. You don’t have to tackle them all; try one or two. You might be surprised at what happens. Our God is the God of astonishment and miracles.
God’s Housekeepers add a little more sparkle to Christmas in New Munich
At Immaculate Conception in New Munich, when the Christmas trees are up and the creche is set, the church awaits a different kind of sparkle and shine in preparation for the arrival of the Newborn King – their cleaning ministry, God’s Housekeepers.
Gift Guide: Shop Fair Trade for the holidays
Looking for a one-of-a-kind gift that benefits those in need? The St. Cloud Mission Office has an onsite store, providing shoppers with a place to purchase unique gifts from all over the world.
Liturgical environment: Bringing beauty and liturgy together
Liturgy directors and parish volunteers are busily preparing buildings and worship spaces for a prayerful Advent season and anticipation for Christmas.
Big Idea: Family life ministry connects families in Five Star ACC
Deacon Jim Schulzetenberg and his wife Bonnie wanted to introduce family ministry in their ACC and came up with the idea of first hosting a family-friendly event to introduce families to one another.
‘Big Idea:’ Grant provides human formation opportunities for area ministers
With the help of a Big Idea grant through the Bridge-Builders for a Thriving Mission initiative, Mary Parks is now creating human formation opportunities for local ministers.