Movie: ‘Stuber’

With a shared-economy premise that’s no doubt meant to be timely and an odd-couple pairing as hoary as David Letterman’s beard, “Stuber” (Fox) takes viewers for a spin. But the result is no joy ride.

Movie: ‘Midsommar’

All dressed up as slow-moving psychological horror, “Midsommar” (A24) relies on the stale trope of feckless naive visitors to a primitive tribe that specializes in unnatural practices.

Movie – ‘Spider-Man: Far From Home’

Snappy and substantial, “Spider-Man: Far From Home” (Columbia), director Jon Watts’ follow-up to his 2017 feature “Spider-Man: Homecoming,” is an adventure full of bloodless derring-do and gentle, innocent romance. As a result, many parents may consider it acceptable for older teens.

Movie: ‘Yesterday’

Fans of the lads from Liverpool will rejoice over the mostly amiable Beatles-themed comedy “Yesterday” (Universal).

Movie: ‘Anna’

In Latin and Greek, the name Anna means “full of grace.” In the violent thriller “Anna” (Summit), the eponymous leading lady is anything but.

Movie: ‘Toy Story 4’

Just how good are the hotshots behind “Toy Story 4” (Disney)? So good that, by the time the closing credits roll, moviegoers will likely feel more emotional connection to an animated spork than they have to the vast majority of live-action human characters they’ve ever seen on screen.

Movie: ‘Child’s Play’

The nicest thing that can be said about the reimagined horror film “Child’s Play” (Orion), it that is just 88 minutes long. Any longer and it could be designated a method of torture.