As part of a Catholic airport chaplain program, Catholic priests like Father Samperi distributed ashes to more than 200 travelers in the span of two hours, including flight attendants and captains in between flights.
Houston airport chaplains bring ashes, sacraments to travelers
Connecting history to Gospel never easy, says Duke religion professor
Connecting the dots between the Jesus of the Gospels and the Jesus of history is never easy, according to Mark Goodacre, a religious studies professor at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, who is one of several religion scholars featured on-camera on the second season of “Finding Jesus,” to be seen 9-10 p.m. Eastern time Sundays beginning March 5 on CNN.
Katharine Drexel
1858 – 1955 March 3 The daughter of a wealthy Philadelphia banker, Katharine received marriage proposals but wanted to become a contemplative nun. After inheriting a […]
Fasting: Lent’s spiritual practice creates space for prayer
Fasting, which has deep roots in many religious traditions, is meant to draw participants into deeper prayer and also link them with those in need. Not only is it one of the three pillars of spiritual practice along with prayer and almsgiving, but it also bookends the period of preparation for Easter.
Catholic newspaper reporter offers tips for a meaningful Lent
It’s not the failures that count. Rather, what counts is the repenting and getting back up to live a life transformed by Christ.
Ash Wednesday: Ancient tradition still thrives in modern times
Almost half of adult Catholics, 45 percent, typically receive ashes — made from the burned and blessed palms of the previous year’s Palm Sunday — at Ash Wednesday services, according to the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate at Georgetown University.
Spiritual, literary writers offer food for reflection, renewal
By Ann Jonas For The Visitor Lent is a time for reflection, holy reading and spiritual growth. Here are three books that are great resources for […]
Strive to be an ambassador for Christ this Lenten season
Q: Every year as Lent approaches I think about what I should be doing during this holy season, maybe something new. Do you have any suggestions? […]