Chocolate Covered Cherry recipe shared by Dianne Towalski.
Chocolate Covered Cherries
St. Nicholas coloring page
Hambre de Dios: Ayunar en Adviento
Tal vez es precisamente la forma en que el mundo secular “celebra” el Adviento lo que hace que esta temporada sea tan adecuada para el ayuno. Si nunca has pensado mucho en el ayuno, o si no lo has practicado en mucho tiempo, el Adviento es un excelente momento y lugar para comenzar.
Crochet pattern for Advent calendar social media
How to act on behalf of those experiencing poverty
Volunteer · Volunteer at Catholic Charities, · Volunteer at local food shelves or clothing banks and the like · Volunteer with domestic violence shelters or […]
Photos: St. Cloud pilgrims at the National Eucharistic Congress
The National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis, kicked off Wednesday evening, July 17.
OSV Kids / OSV para niños – Mayo 2024
OSV News comparte formas de preparar a los niños para las Misas de mayo con resúmenes del Evangelio y preguntas de reflexión.
6 things you need to know about the second round of Synod listening
Pope Francis is inviting the world into another round of listening sessions. Seeing synodality as a model of the Church, and for the Diocese of St. Cloud, is one of Bishop Patrick Neary’s priorities.