When most Hispanics were Catholic…

The biggest phenomenon affecting Hispanics in America is this: they are religiously disaffiliating, which has become a de facto highway into secularization.

O Life! O Death! O Mystery!

“Death is a mystery, an unknown. Jesus taught us, despite his fear in the garden, how to die well — with integrity and commitment. But he first taught us how to live, and that is our focus during this Easter season.”

‘Communion’: For the life of the world, ‘come-unity’

“Perhaps a fruit of our Eucharistic Revival will be a reinvigoration of our desire to foster ecclesial communion. It’s the Eucharist itself that establishes and reinforces the communion of believers. The Eucharist is the tie that binds.”

An Easter Octave challenge

“It may be worth considering, as we enter into this new season, how we might use the coming weeks to intentionally continue to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ. What fruit might we carry over from our Lenten experiences?”