Six ways I can make my parish better

“Even the best parishes can become even better when parishioners take an active interest in making the parish grow and prosper.”

The greatest of these is love

In my work as a Catholic writer, my favorite question is my closer: “What do you know for sure?”

Families First Project offers tools to advocate for pro-family policies

One of the Families First Projects’ foundational goals is to create an appropriate “policy ecosystem” that supports the creation of stable families and helps them flourish by making it easier to get married, stay married, have kids, raise kids in economically stable environments, and care for extended family.

An unforgettable story of forgiveness

“Rachel publicly forgave her son’s killers before his body had even been found. And it’s that act of forgiveness that has gone on to change life after life in the 20 years since.”

We must recover those ‘recovering’ Catholics

Henri Nouwen “speaks of the human brokenness of the church, which presents the broken body of Christ to the world. Human promises are broken; God’s promise ‘stands unshaken.'”